[PIC] Anyone know how to use MCC?
2018-09-16 22:36:37 UTC
I need to add I2C functionality to existing code (18F25K42, XC8) and
some libraries for this might be nice for a change of individually
setting registers.

However, it seems that Mchip's direction on this is to install MCC, then
let MCC build the code framework their way (similar to PIC32 code
Assuming I'm willing to do that (not sure I am yet), I installed the MCC
plugin, but can't find API docs. Google results indicate that there is
some documentation in the code, but there really isn't. For example, I
have the ADC module setup, but there's nothing that tells me what to
call to select and sample a channel, how to determine completion and
extract the result, etc.

Alternatively, can I just include and access the MCC libraries directly
from my own code? If so, where is MCC even installed?

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Brent Brown
2018-09-16 23:44:23 UTC
Hi Neil,

Have recently gone down the same track, 18LF46K22, MCC & XC8. It took some
time/effort to figure things out, but between the .c and .h files there is kindof enough
info to figure out how they work. I agree it could be easier. After some trial & error it
started to fall into place somewhat and I could appreciate that MCC was actually
being helpful. Examples:

result = ADC_GetConversion(6); // Get ADC result, channel 6

#define MCP23017 0x20 // I2C address of MCP23017 16bit I/O expander
unsigned char somedata[12] = { 0x00, // Starting from register address 0
0xFF, // IODIRA - Direction A all inputs
0x01, // IODIRB - Direction B one input
0x00, // IPOLA - Input polarity A
0x00, // IPOLB - Input polarity B
0xFF, // GPINTENA - Interrupt on change A, 8 inputs
0x01, // GPINTENB - Interrupt on change B, 1 input
0xFF, // DEFVALA - Default value compare A
0xFF, // DEFVALB - Default value compare B
0xFF, // INTCONA - Interrupt A use DEFVAL
0xFF, // INTCONB - Interrupt B use DEFVAL
0x40 }; // IOCON - INT pins OR'ed
I2C1_MasterWrite(somedata, 12, MCP23017, &I2C_Wflag); // Send 12 bytes of
data to I2C chip to initialize

command = 0x12; // Request key status (inputs)
length = 1; // from I2C port expander chip
I2C1_MasterWrite(&command, length, MCP23017, &I2C_Wflag);
I2C1_MasterRead(I2Cdata, 2, MCP23017, &I2C_Rflag); // Returned data is in
I2Cdata[0] and I2Cdata[1]
Post by Neil
I need to add I2C functionality to existing code (18F25K42, XC8) and
some libraries for this might be nice for a change of individually
setting registers.
However, it seems that Mchip's direction on this is to install MCC, then
let MCC build the code framework their way (similar to PIC32 code
Assuming I'm willing to do that (not sure I am yet), I installed the MCC
plugin, but can't find API docs. Google results indicate that there is
some documentation in the code, but there really isn't. For example, I
have the ADC module setup, but there's nothing that tells me what to
call to select and sample a channel, how to determine completion and
extract the result, etc.
Alternatively, can I just include and access the MCC libraries directly
from my own code? If so, where is MCC even installed?
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2018-09-17 02:27:34 UTC
Thanks Brent. I'm looking through some of the files it's created and
the function nams seem to be self-explanatory, though I wonder if I'll
have to decipher their code to figure out details.
Time is of the essence, but I think I'll risk it.

Post by Brent Brown
Hi Neil,
Have recently gone down the same track, 18LF46K22, MCC & XC8. It took some
time/effort to figure things out, but between the .c and .h files there is kindof enough
info to figure out how they work. I agree it could be easier. After some trial & error it
started to fall into place somewhat and I could appreciate that MCC was actually
result = ADC_GetConversion(6); // Get ADC result, channel 6
#define MCP23017 0x20 // I2C address of MCP23017 16bit I/O expander
unsigned char somedata[12] = { 0x00, // Starting from register address 0
0xFF, // IODIRA - Direction A all inputs
0x01, // IODIRB - Direction B one input
0x00, // IPOLA - Input polarity A
0x00, // IPOLB - Input polarity B
0xFF, // GPINTENA - Interrupt on change A, 8 inputs
0x01, // GPINTENB - Interrupt on change B, 1 input
0xFF, // DEFVALA - Default value compare A
0xFF, // DEFVALB - Default value compare B
0xFF, // INTCONA - Interrupt A use DEFVAL
0xFF, // INTCONB - Interrupt B use DEFVAL
0x40 }; // IOCON - INT pins OR'ed
I2C1_MasterWrite(somedata, 12, MCP23017, &I2C_Wflag); // Send 12 bytes of
data to I2C chip to initialize
command = 0x12; // Request key status (inputs)
length = 1; // from I2C port expander chip
I2C1_MasterWrite(&command, length, MCP23017, &I2C_Wflag);
I2C1_MasterRead(I2Cdata, 2, MCP23017, &I2C_Rflag); // Returned data is in
I2Cdata[0] and I2Cdata[1]
Post by Neil
I need to add I2C functionality to existing code (18F25K42, XC8) and
some libraries for this might be nice for a change of individually
setting registers.
However, it seems that Mchip's direction on this is to install MCC, then
let MCC build the code framework their way (similar to PIC32 code
Assuming I'm willing to do that (not sure I am yet), I installed the MCC
plugin, but can't find API docs. Google results indicate that there is
some documentation in the code, but there really isn't. For example, I
have the ADC module setup, but there's nothing that tells me what to
call to select and sample a channel, how to determine completion and
extract the result, etc.
Alternatively, can I just include and access the MCC libraries directly
from my own code? If so, where is MCC even installed?
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