[OT]:: Red Hat takes over IBM.
2018-10-30 08:46:45 UTC
Hey - that's what Cringley titled his post - why should I change it? :-)


Worth a read.
Commenters are not all so sure that IBVM knows how to optimise this
Stay tuned.


He starts:

So IBM is buying Red Hat
of the largest Enterprise Linux distribution) for $34 billion and readers
want to know what I think of the deal. Well, if I made a list of
acquisitions and things to do to save IBM, buying Red Hat would have been
very close to the top of that list. They should have bought Red Hat 10
years ago when the stock market was in the gutter.

Jumping the gun a bit, I have to say the bigger question is really which
company’s culture will ultimately dominate? I’m hoping it’s Red Hat.

The deal is a good fit for many reasons explained below. And remember Red
Hat is just down the road from IBM’s huge operation in Raleigh, NC.

Will Amazon, Google, and Microsoft now run out and buy SUSE, Ubuntu,
Apache, etc? Yes.

Will there be a mad rush to create new Linux distros? No. I think that boat
has already sailed and further Linux branding won’t happen, at least not
for traditional business reasons.

Oracle has to hate this deal. Oracle’s Linux (the kernel part) is based on
Red Hat. This will definitely cramp Oracle’s style. Most cloud providers
resell Red Hat software, so now IBM will be getting money
on their business. IBM could be in the position Microsoft has been for the
last 30 years. For every PC made Microsoft got money.

Microsoft will hate this deal. Amazon will, too.


Do read !!!
