[EE] Application to read & write 1-wire devices
Dwayne Reid
2018-04-05 18:58:06 UTC
Good day to all.

I'm looking for an easy way to clone some Maxim / Dallas Semi 1-wire
eeproms. These are the DS3433 512-byte devices. I need to read one
device and then clone that device to the identical parts.

I've tried using Maxim's OneWireViewer but it is painful to use for
this purpose - you copy one row of 16 bytes to Maxim's app but then
have to change at least one character on that line for the app to
recognize that the line has changed. Then copy the 2nd row of 16
bytes and do the same thing. Then you can hit the button to write
that block to the eeprom.

Select the next block and repeat. Fifteen more times!

I've got 24 eeproms to write. It's going to take a half day or more
of tedious copy/paste and all of the ancillary other things needed to
write that small number of eeproms.

I'm hoping that somebody can recommend a better way to do this.

Many thanks!

Dwayne Reid <***@planet.eon.net>
Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, AB, CANADA
780-489-3199 voice 780-487-6397 fax 888-489-3199 Toll Free
Custom Electronics Design and Manufacturing
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James Cameron
2018-04-05 19:54:23 UTC
I would code something to do it, in either Forth or Python.

- a Forth on a SoC (esp32, esp8266, teensy, arm),

- Python on an SBC with the Linux kernel one wire driver (raspberry
pi, beaglebone), or;

- MicroPython (esp32, esp8266, arm).
James Cameron
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Denny Esterline
2018-04-05 20:50:50 UTC
If you have an Arduino (clone) handy, the 1-wire library makes that seem
pretty simple.

I don't really like Arduino for a bunch of reasons, but they are handy for
this type of thing.

Post by James Cameron
I would code something to do it, in either Forth or Python.
- a Forth on a SoC (esp32, esp8266, teensy, arm),
- Python on an SBC with the Linux kernel one wire driver (raspberry
pi, beaglebone), or;
- MicroPython (esp32, esp8266, arm).
James Cameron
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2018-04-06 01:37:16 UTC
Post by Denny Esterline
I don't really like Arduino for a bunch of reasons, but they are handy for
this type of thing.
​Orthogonalish, but, seeing the bunch of reasons would be of (genuine)

I think that Arduinos in the broad sense are a fantastic idea - as an
incredibly accessible gateway to the uninitiated, and as a low cost "just
goes" (usually) one/small volume solution.

I could propose a list of candidate dislikes, but hearing it from you would
be far more useful.


Olin's dislike list probably is in large part a negation of my main points
".... high priest ... devlaued ..." may feature.
Sure, they allow uncomprehending slash & burn implementations and anything
with shields and apps has to be evil, but ... .

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Denny Esterline
2018-04-06 13:16:27 UTC
Post by RussellMc
Post by Denny Esterline
I don't really like Arduino for a bunch of reasons, but they are handy
Post by Denny Esterline
this type of thing.
​Orthogonalish, but, seeing the bunch of reasons would be of (genuine)
That may have been phrased poorly. :-)

In general I love the idea of a small, inexpensive, microcontroller board
with all the "fiddly bits"
already taken care of. The _idea_ of a broad common development environment
with lots of
reusable libraries is awesome.

In practice it seems to have spawned a lot of really crappy code, poorly
documented modules,
and many subtly different versions of everything - hardware and software.
All the effort that has been put into the Arduino IDE to "simplify the
experience for the user",
seems to make it near impossible to tease out versions and dependencies.
As a whole, when it works, it's great. When it doesn't work, ugh...

The other half of the problem is people.
Most of us have probably seen this:
Obviously a joke, but over on the left, it says "Arduino, just for blog
I haven't looked at Kickstarter in a couple years, but there was a moment
that anything even remotely technical had to have 'uino in it's name
I've lost count of how many "tutorials" I've seen that claim you do not
a resistor when driving an LED.

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James Cameron
2018-04-07 01:29:29 UTC
Yes, lots of crappy code. I like how platformio.org has helped to change that; closing the loop between the users of the code and the people who can fix it to be less crappy.
Post by Denny Esterline
Post by RussellMc
Post by Denny Esterline
I don't really like Arduino for a bunch of reasons, but they are handy
Post by Denny Esterline
this type of thing.
​Orthogonalish, but, seeing the bunch of reasons would be of (genuine)
That may have been phrased poorly. :-)
In general I love the idea of a small, inexpensive, microcontroller board
with all the "fiddly bits"
already taken care of. The _idea_ of a broad common development environment
with lots of
reusable libraries is awesome.
In practice it seems to have spawned a lot of really crappy code, poorly
documented modules,
and many subtly different versions of everything - hardware and software.
All the effort that has been put into the Arduino IDE to "simplify the
experience for the user",
seems to make it near impossible to tease out versions and dependencies.
As a whole, when it works, it's great. When it doesn't work, ugh...
The other half of the problem is people.
Obviously a joke, but over on the left, it says "Arduino, just for blog
I haven't looked at Kickstarter in a couple years, but there was a moment
that anything even remotely technical had to have 'uino in it's name
I've lost count of how many "tutorials" I've seen that claim you do not
a resistor when driving an LED.
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James Cameron
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